Browse the collection of education resources, program materials, and previews of works of art on the EFA Rep.
Windows on the Work
EFA’s education guides, called Windows on the Work (WOWs), are posted here approximately six weeks before the performance or exhibition.
- Cross Currents: The Art Of Japanese Woodblock Prints Traveling Exhibition WOW (coming soon)
- Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus! The Musical! by TheaterWorksUSA WOW
- Hangin’ With The Giants by JazzReach WOW (coming soon)
- Legendary Voices: Art For The New Century WOW
- Red Firecrackers by Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company WOW
- San Jose Taiko WOW (coming soon)
- The Magic City by Manual Cinema WOW (coming soon)
- What Do You Do With An Idea? by Inlet Dance Theatre WOW (available on request)
EFA Bus Rebate
Aesthetic Education Program Resources
Alternative Arts Initiative Resources
EFA Presents! Resources
Excellence in the Arts High School Courses
PACE Program Resources
Previews of Works of Art
- Gallery | Cross Currents: The Art Of Japanese Woodblock Prints Traveling Exhibition
- Gallery | Legendary Voices: Art For The New Century
- Video | Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus! The Musical! by TheaterWorksUSA
- Video | Hangin’ With The Giants by JazzReach
- Video | Red Firecrackers by Nia-Ni Chen Dance Company
- Video | San Jose Taiko
- Video | The Magic City by Manual Cinema
- Video | What Do You Do With An Idea? by Inlet Dance Theatre