The Alternative Arts Initiative provides opportunities for students in alternative schools and special education programs to engage in the arts at no charge to the schools.
Teaching Artists who specialize in dance, music, theater, and visual arts facilitate workshops with students to explore the creative process through their art form. During these workshops, students are asked to make choices individually and within groups. The goal of these workshops is not the creation of an end product, but that the students are making choices (when possible) and connections within the art form.
Each residency in the Alternative Arts Initiative (AAI) is designed to serve the specific learning goals and needs of the students through the lens of the creative process. Possible goals of residency work may include:
- Coordination;
- Socialization;
- Life/Social skills;
- Connections with curriculum;
- Communication;
- Self expression;
- Teamwork;
- Exploring social justice topics.
To enhance the learning experience, students attend live performances and exhibitions by professional artists both in-school and on field trips. EFA provides a bus transportation rebate to assist with transportation expenses.
Residency Roles
Teaching Artists lead the students through workshops that have been planned with the cooperating educator. Cooperating educators and Paraprofessionals are welcome to participate in activities with the students, as well as support Teaching Artists by managing classroom behavior. Educators and Paraprofessionals know their students best and are encouraged to let Teaching Artists know what is working well for their students.
Thank You!
This activity is supported in part by an award from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council.